You might be in the market for a new cricket bat, and be wondering where to begin? There are so many choices and brands available now that it can be difficult to find your ideal bat.

When choosing a bat, there are four key steps to getting the bat that’s perfect for you, and we believe the order of importance is something like this:
Step 1 – Finding a bat which picks up in your hands well.
What exactly does this mean? Well it is all about finding a bat which feels right when you get into your stance and do a couple of back lifts. All bats are slightly different when it comes to “balance” which is a term used to describe the “balance” point each bat has. Most bats vary in “balance point” and to describe this as best I can – imagine you wanted to balance your bat on a horizontal round pole, then imagine doing this with lots of different bats, some might be very similar, but given the bats are made from timber and all have slight differences, they will not all be balancing in the same position. If you are planning on buying your bat online, it is a little tricky to do this. However you can at least decide what weight you prefer (weigh a bat you like the feel of is a good place to start) and then choose a bat with a similar profile (low, mid or high) if you need help with profile choice – CLICK HERE. This will give you a good shot at getting something with a similar feel to what you are used to and like.
Step 2 – Consider the grade of timber and price range.
At this point you should also consider the price, and timber grade of the bat you are looking for. Timber grades can be very confusing, but the grade is somewhat secondary to the above. You can choose the best bat available, however if it does not feel right, chances are it’s not going to be a good bat for you. Timber grades and prices are closely knitted together – the higher the grade of timber, usually the more expensive a bat will be. For more information on timber grades – CLICK HERE. It is best to look at and select from the bats which suit your budget, and then focus on the pick-up and feel.
Step 3 – Performance.
Often in our shops you will hear the sound of ball mallets being tested on new bats. Whilst this technique of trying to pick the best performing bat won’t hurt, it is unlikely to give you the perfect understanding on how a bat will perform. Our team can assist in selecting bats which they feel will perform well based on how they hit with a mallet – our team can also assist with this for online orders (please leave instructions in the checkout when purchasing and our team can call you when they pick your new bat). How a bat hits with a mallet though, can be very different to how it performs when you begin using it. In fact sometimes bats with wider grains will take some time to reach maximum performance – CLICK HERE – for more on timber grades and performance. Narrow grain bats might perform better to begin with, but this is not always the case. Performance of your new bat is important, however the above steps are probably more important than trying to find the best performing bat with a mallet.
Step 4 – Look of the bat – stickers, knots and blemishes.
Last of all when you are choosing a bat, blemishes knots and imperfections should be considered. Most bats will have some imperfections, it is the nature of the timber. The more expensive grades tend to be for the most part blemish free, however most bats have blemishes. Knots and blemishes are unlikely to affect the performance, and some will argue given the blemishes are usually harder (timber grown under stress) these can actually help the performance.
Our team can always help you select your perfect bat – online or in-store, our expert team are always on hand to help you make the most informed decision when choosing your new cricket bat!