How to order
Read through some quick and simple instructions on how to use The Cricket Warehouse for your next purchase.
Choose a category from the menu at the top of the screen to browse for products, or use the search button to look for a particular product.
When browsing for products you can filter by brand, price, size or style if you wish.
Click on a product to see more information. If you wish to order this product select the size and quantity (and colour if applicable) and select “Add to Cart”.
Using the menu at the top of the screen continue browsing if you wish to look for more products and continue selecting “Add to Cart” for any items you wish to order.
Once you’ve finished browsing click on the Cart button at the top right hand corner of the screen. This will take you to the shopping cart.
Review the products in the shopping cart that you have ordered and then click on either “Check out” or “PayPal Checkout”:
- If you click on “PayPal Checkout” you will be taken to the PayPal page. Follow the PayPal instructions for payment.
- If you click on “Check Out” you will be taken to the Customer Information page.
On the Customer Information page you can either “Log in” if you have already created an account, or, if you haven’t created an account you can still continue checking out as a guest. Simply fill out the email and shipping address details and then click on “Continue to Shipping Method”.
Check the shipping address is correct and edit if you need to. Click on “Continue to Payment Method”.
Choose your payment option, fill out the payment details and then click on “Complete Order”.
An email will be sent to you confirming that your order has been received. You will also receive an email once the products have been shipped.